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The best care

when you're not there

checkiconProfessional and caring babysitters and nannies
checkiconPersonalized consultations to fit every need
checkiconEasy-to-use app for scheduling
For Parentsarrow_right
For Sittersarrow_right
Mom on pc

How it works

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

The steps are simple and transparent:

Talk to us
We offer free phone consultations to understand your needs. Our wonderful admin team is available to talk to you Mon-Fri 9am-9pm and Sat-Sun 10am-6pm.
Become a member
Before you schedule your first shift with us, we come to your home to go through our process, show you how to use our app, and welcome you to our Club.
Meet Your Sitter
We select a Sitter whose availability, experience, and personality match your family's needs.
For Parentsarrow_right


All your childcare needs sorted out in one place



From everyday babysitting to one-time requests, our part-time service covers all your childcare needs.


Full-time nanny Search

If you are looking for a full-time and long-term nanny for your family, we are here for you every step of the way.



Our custom-made animation programs and energetic animators will ensure that your next birthday party or event run seamlessly.


Why Us?

The decision has never been easier

Our team is carefully selected and has gone through all the necessary trainings and background checks, because our primary goal is to create a carefree environment for your family.
We answer every request and take all your feedback seriously. Moreover, our app allows you to quickly make reservations, view your upcoming shifts, and update your profile.
We match you with your ideal Sitter and offer you a payment plan that works best for you. We aim to create a personalized experience, because every family is different.


This is why we do what we do

We would recommend Babysitters' Club a thousand times over. The communication, flexibility, and professionalism from both the sitters and the management team is fantastic. I love that they find you yo...
Blakely Henson
The Babysitters' Club was my most reliable partner in raising my kid in Belgrade. I've never worked with an agency of any type (including in the tech industry) that is so ...
Ivana Ivanović
I cannot recommend the Babysitters Cub enough. Our regular babysitters there are all so professional and kind, with great common sense and safety awareness e.g. knowing how to react quickly when our ...
Grace Brown
Gift Cards
Show someone that you care, and give them the gift of time.
Delivery in Belgrade and Novi Sad. You will receive the gift card within maximum 3 days from the day you make an order.
Gift card
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